New Club Penguin Music Jam V.I.P Exclusive!

Hello Penguins,

Well, The Music Jam is coming down the corner and in all of them members get to wear V.I.P Backstage Passes to go into the members-only backstage. My awesome friend Penguitt gave me this exclusive picture on how the Music Jam 2010 V.I.P pass will look like! (It Isnt Decompiled)  Check it out:
 Awesome Right? But thats not all! Look how it will look like on your penguin! It looks really really good! The yellow, black and white stripes doesnt make me look fat right? Just Joking!

I think i like this one better than the others! Totally! And i cant wait till the Music Jam! Its one of my favoraites! What do you think about this? Let us know in a comment! And thanks Penguitt once again for the pictures!

Until Then, Waddle On!


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